T: 07869 142981
E: info@kumar.clinic
Treatments & Services
I offer a range of treatments to treat skin lesions including complex general anaesthetic surgery, minor surgery, cryotherapy and medical (topical) treatments
Initial Mole Checks / Skin Cancer Consultation
A 30 minute consultation to take a detailed medical and sun exposure history followed by a thorough skin check using an instrument called a dermatascope. This allows for the most detailed and accurate way of differentiating between benign lesions and potentially worrying lesions. I then discuss treatment options, prevention and follow-up with a tailored strategy to reduce the risk of further lesions developing.
Moles can change for a number of reasons. They change with age, lifestyle factors, medical reasons, sun damage and pregnancy to name but a few. Please read the skin lesion information page to learn about what changes to moles that you should look for.
Cost of consultation (excluding treatments) £150
Regular Mole Checks / Follow-up Surveillance Consultations
If you have been diagnosed with a skin cancer, have a large number of moles, or, have a strong history of sun exposure / sun damage then you are at risk of developing new lesions. A regular skin check is a useful way of monitoring these areas in the same way you may go visit your dentist about your teeth.
A full skin check is conducted as part of your consultation.
Cost of consultation £85 (note you must have previously had an initial mole check / consultation)
Benign skin lesions removal
Benign skin lesions can be unsightly or cause issues such as discomfort (rubbing on clothes), itching and bleeding. These can be removed either with formal excision or surgical shave excision with an aim to minimize the scar.
Occasionally smaller lesions can be frozen off with cryotherapy.
It is possible to combine the initial consultation with a procedure at the same appointment reducing cost and inconvenience. Please let my team know so they can pre-plan this.
Cost of procedure depends on size/location/number of lesions (start from £350). Please contact the team to discuss estimates.
Pre-cancerous skin lesions
Spotting a pre-cancerous lesion early can be significant in reducing the need for extensive treatment in the future if they were to progress to an invasive skin cancer.
Common premalignant lesions include Actinic Keratosis (AK), Bowens disease, atypical dysplastic naevus and lentigo maligna (LM).
Some precancerous lesions may require surgery. But many can be treated with simpler modalities such as freezing (cryotherapy), curettage (surgical scrape), or, prescription topical creams (Efudix / Imiquimod).
I can plan a tailored treatment plan with you and monitor the areas to ensure it has been successfully removed.
Cost of Initial Consultation (£150) + Treatment (Cryotherapy start at £50 onwards depending on number of lesions)
Cysts and Lipomas
It is common to have sebaceous cysts that flare-up and get repeatedly infected or lipomas that get larger and become more problematic (discomfort or unsightly). The vast majority can be removed under local anaesthetic in the minor procedures theatre.
Sebaceous cysts are most common in the face and scalp but can occur anywhere in the body.
Lipomas can occur anywhere in the body. Commonly, lipomas in the trunk and also on face (forehead) and scalp are areas where clients ask for removal.
Cost start from £350 but depends on size/site/number.
Keloid / Hypertrophic scar
These scars can be as a result of a hereditary trait / genetics, slow wound healing and location of trauma or surgery. They are not only unsightly but can be painful.
Often a combined procedure of surgery and non-operative measures are required. These can be incredibly difficult to treat and often require treatment over a long period of time.
I am happy to assess the area and provide a treatment plan.
Cost is variable
Skin Cancer (BCC and SCC) Excision
Basal cell carcinomas (BCC) are the most common form of skin cancer and commonly occur in the head and neck region. They do not routinely metastasise (go to other parts of the body) but can be locally destructive so prompt treatment is recommended. BCC's come in different varieties. The most common variety can be removed safely with conventional excision. However, with higher risk BCC's I use frozen section margin control to remove these.
For a small percentage of difficult to BCC's with margins that are difficult to see I work alongside a Mohs surgeon where they do the excision and I perform the reconstruction.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) most commonly occur on the head and neck region and limbs. These have the potential to metastasise. As such prompt surgical treatment with good margins is recommended.
Cost of procedure depends on size/location/number of lesions (start from £350). Please contact the team to discuss estimates.
Reconstruction following skin cancer removal
Once I have removed the skin cancer I use plastic surgery techniques to repair the defect to restore the body part to as close to its original form and function.
These include skin grafts. A full thickness skin graft (FTSG) is where a piece of skin is cut out from somewhere else and stitched into the defect. A split skin graft is where a shave of skin is taken (usually from the thigh) and stitched into the defect.
A local flap is where a piece of tissue containing skin and some underlying structures is moved with a maintained blood supply into the defect.
Reconstruction is both a science and an art.
I have a specialist interest in Malignant Melanoma (MM) surgery. The vast majority of the melanoma work I perform are clients that have had a recent diagnosis of melanoma (usually by a GP or Dermatologist). I perform wide local excisions (WLE) where more skin and tissue is removed to reduce the risk of local recurrence. The area is reconstructed often using plastic surgery techniques such as skin graft and flaps. I often combine the WLE with a sentinel node procedure.
Melanoma is a serious type of skin cancer as it has the ability to spread to other parts of the body (metastasise). Melanoma can cause serious damage to organs and potentially life-limiting. Therefore, prompt surgery to remove the melanoma is essential. In addition, I perform a comprehensive surveillance programme on patients including lymph node checks and skin check in clinic as part of the 5 year followup. I discuss your case at the Multi-disciplinary Team (MDT) and organise Ultrasound / CT / MRI / PET CT scans where required.
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy / Lymph node dissection
Currently the most accurate way to identify if the melanoma has metastasised (moved away from the original location on the skin to another part of the body) is with a surgical technique called Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy (SLNB).
SLNB is a 3 stage process. Firstly, you attend a Nuclear Medicine Department to have a radioactive injection into the melanoma scar followed by a scan that tracks the dye to the node(s). Secondly, in theatre a blue dye is injected into the scar. Thirdly, an incision is made in the armpit / groin / neck to identify the node(s) that have taken up the radioactive and blue dye. This is removed and sent away for analysis to see if it contains melanoma cells. You are seen back in clinic 7-14 days after the procedure for results.
Note the SLNB usually can only be done at the same time as a WLE.